Co-Chair Sherry Hirota | CEO, Asian Health Services
Co-Chair Mike Honda | Fmr. Congressman (California CD17)
Luisa Blue, RN | Former Executive Vice President, SEIU
Rob Bonta, Esq. | Attorney General of the State of California
Daniel Chao, MA, MALD, PhD | Business leader, Fmr. President and CEO, Bechtel China
David Chiu, MPP, Esq. | California State Assembly (AD 17)
Marielena Hincapié, Esq. | Executive Director, National Immigration Law Center
Kathreen Khavari, MSc | Actress, Immigrant Rights Activist and Writer
Tung Nguyen, MD | Chair, AAPI Progressive Action
Ninez Ponce, MPP, PhD | Professor, UC Los Angeles Fielding School of Public Health
Karthick Ramakrishnan, PhD | Professor, UC Riverside School of Public Policy
Kyu Rhee, MPP, MD | VP/Chief Health Officer, IBM*
Paul Song, MD | COO/CMO, NKMax America, Inc.
Helen Zia | Author, Last Boat Out of Shanghai and Asian American Dreams
*IBM listed for affiliation only
Advisory Council
Teresita Batayola
Ignatius Bau
Tanya Broder
Adam P. Carbullido
Wilma Chan, MA
Art Chen, MD
Gail Christopher, DN
Viet Nguyen, PhD
Peggy Saika
Catherine Tactaquin
Winston Wong, MD, MS
Anthony Wright